Insulting Quotes

 These are my favorite insulting quotes or sayings, 
putdowns, comebacks and responses to insults.

~ Some people cause happiness WHEREVER they go; some WHENEVER they go. (Oscar Wilde)

~ I can't believe that out of 10,000 sperms, you were the quickest. (Steven Pearl)

~Girl: If you were my husband, I should flavor your coffee with poison.
Boy: If I were your husband, I should drink it!:D

~ Never insult an alligator unless you've crossed the river. (Cordell Hull)

~ He who asks a question is a fool for a minute, but he who does not, remains a fool forever.

~ If someone insulted you, Ignore it; If you can't ignore it, laugh it off and if you can't laugh it off, its probably something you deserve.

~ Fashion is a proof that ugliness exists, its intolerable that we change it every six months.

~ The most effective response to an insult is silence with a smile.

~ Having a sharp tongue doesn't mean you have a keen mind.

~ Brains aren't everything,In fact in your case they're definitely nothing.

~ I don't know what makes you so dumb, but hell yeah, it really works!

~ I never forget faces, But in your case, I'll make an exception.

~ Please don't go out and show yourself in public, People might think that its Halloween. 

~ If at first you don't succeed, failure maybe your style. (Quentin Crisp)

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